(i) A block and tackle system of pulleys has velocity ratio 4.
(a) Draw a labelled diagram of the system indicating clearly, the direction of the load and effort.
(b) Calculate the potential energy of the load 100 kef lifted by this pulley to a height 5 m. (g = 10 ms2)

(ii) A person standing in front of a cliff fires a gun and hears its echo after 3s. If the speed of sound in air is 336 ms-1
(a) Calculate the distance of the person from the cliff.
(b) After moving a certain distance from the cliff, he fires the gun again and this time the echo is heard 1.5 s later than the first. Calculate the distance that the person moved.


The above picture shows a mother pushing her daughter sitting on a swing. The swing is going through the positions A, B, C where A and C are extreme positions and B is the mean position.
(a) Which is the right position i.e. at A, B or C, for the mother to give a constant periodic push to the swing every time in the forward direction to increase the amplitude of the swing?
(b) Name the phenomenon involved in this.
(c) Explain with this example how this phenomenon helps to increase the amplitude of the swing.



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