Maximum Marks: 80
Time allowed: Two and half hours
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
(Attempt all questions from this Section.)
(i) Ionisation potential increases over a period from left to right because the:
(a) Atomic radius increases and nuclear charge increases
(b) Atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge decreases
(c) Atomic radius increases and nuclear charge decreases
(d) Atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge increases
(ii) A compound X consists of only molecules. Hence X will have :
(a) A crystalline hard structure
(b) A low melting point and low boiling point
(c) An ionic bond
(d) A strong force of attraction between its molecules.
(iii) When fused lead bromide is electrolysed we observe :
(a) a silver grey deposit at anode and a reddish brown deposit at cathode
(b) a silver grey deposit at cathode and a reddish brown deposit at anode
(c) a silver grey deposit at cathode and reddish brown fumes at anode
(d) a silver grey fumes at anode and reddish brown fumes at cathode.
(iv) The main ore used for the extraction of Aluminum is:
(a) Haematite
(b) Calamine
(c) Bauxite
(d) Cryolite