Class 10 ICSE Term1 Biology Specimen 2022
Paper Pattern for MCQ Term-I
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Solved Specimen BIOLOGY Paper Semester-I 2022
Question 1 [Biology Specimen Paper Term-I 2022]
Q.1 (a) Name the following by choosing the correct option A pair of correspondingchromosomes of the same shape and size but one from each parent
- Autosomes
- Sex chromosomes
- Homologous chromosomes
- Analogous chromosomes

(b) The factor that does not affect the rate of transpiration
- Intensity of light
- Velocity of wind
- Carbon dioxide
- Oxygen

(c) Movement of molecules of a substance from their higher concentration to lower concentration when they are in direct contact.
- Diffusion
- Endosmosis
- Imbibition
- Active transport

(d) The complex molecule consisting of a DNA strand and a core of histones
- Centrosome
- Nucleotide
- Nucleosome
- Chromosome

(e) The solvent used to dissolve the chlorophyll pigment while testing a leaf for starch
- Soda lime
- Carbolic acid
- Methylated spirit
- Water

Question 2 [Biology Specimen Paper Term-I 2022]
Q2 Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate option for each blank:(a) During Meiosis _______ daughter cells are formed
- 4
- 2
- 8
- 6

(b) Wooden doors swell up during the rainy season due to
- Osmosis
- Diffusion
- Imbibition
- Transpiration

(c) The semi permeable membrane in a plant cell is the
- Cell wall
- Cell membrane
- Tonoplast
- None of the above

(d) Guttation takes place through
- Stomata
- Lenticels
- Cuticle
- Hydathodes

(e) A plant with variegated leaves is
- Coleus
- Lotus
- Peepal
- Mango

Question 3 [Biology Specimen Paper Term-I 2022]
Q3 (a) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below: (a) The pressure exerted by the cell contents on the cell wall:
- Turgor pressure
- Partial pressure
- Wall pressure
- Osmotic pressure

(b) The cell component visible only during cell division:
- Chromosome
- Chromoplast
- Chromatin
- Centriole

(c) Marine fish when placed under tap water bursts, because of:
- Endosmosis
- Exosmosis
- Diffusion
- Plasmolysis

(d) The sites of dark reaction of photosynthesis:
- Grana
- Fret
- Stroma
- Stoma

(e) The alternative forms of the same gene occupying the same position on homologous chromosomes:
- Chromatids
- Alleles
- Autosomes
- Centromere

Question 4 [Biology Specimen Paper Term-I 2022]
Q4 (a) Explain the following terms: Osmosis
- Movement of water from their lower concentration to their higher concentration through a semi permeable membrane
- Movement of solutes from their lower concentration to their higher concentration through a semi permeable membrane
- Movement of water from their higher concentration to their lower concentration through a semi permeable membrane
- Movement of water from their higher concentration to their lower concentration through a freely permeable membrane.

(b) Photolysis
- Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the presence of light in grana.
- Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the presence of light in the Aroma
- Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the absence of light in grana
- Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the absent of light in stoma

(c) Law of segregation
- The two members of a pair of factors join during the formation of gametes.
- The two members of a pair of factors separate during the formation of gametes
- The two chromosomes of a pair of factors separate during the formation of gametes.
- The two members of a pair of factors separate during the process of germination

(d) Guttation
- The loss of water in the form of water droplets from the surface of the leaf
- The loss of water in the form of water droplets through the stomata
- The loss of water in the form of water vapour along the leaf margin.
- The loos of water in the form of water droplets along the leaf margin.

(e) Active transport
- Passage of water from its lower to higher concentration through a cell membrane without any expenditure of energy.
- Passage of ions from its lower to higher concentration through a cell membrane without any expenditure of energy.
- Passage of water from its lower to higher concentration through a cell membrane using energy from the cell
- Passage of ions from its lower to higher concentration through a cell membrane using energy from the cell

Question 5 [Biology Specimen Paper Term-I 2022]
Q5 (a) State the exact location of the following: Spindle fibres
- Between the two centrioles
- Between the two centrosomes
- Between chromatid and centromere
- Between two centromeres

(b) Root hair
- Extension of the cortex
- Extension of epithelium
- Extension of epidermis
- Extension of endodermis

(c) Stomata
- More the upper surface of dorsi ventral leaves
- More on the lower surface of the dorsi ventral leaves
- Both upper and lower surface of the dorsi ventral leaves
- None of the above.

(d) Thylakoids
- In the inner membrane of the chloroplast
- Wall of the chloroplast
- In the chlorophyll
- In the stroma of the chloroplast

(e) Palisade parenchyma
- Between the upper and lower epidermis of dicot leaves
- Between the upper epidermis and spongy parenchyma of dicot leaves.
- Between the lower epidermis and spongy parenchyma of dicot leaves
- Between the upper and lower epidermis of monocot leaves.

Question 6 [Biology Specimen Paper Term-I 2022]
Q6 (a) State the function of the following: Stroma
- Site of photolysis of photosynthesis
- Site of photochemical phase of photosynthesis
- Site of light dependent phase of photosynthesis
- Site of light independent phase of photosynthesis

(b) Guard cells
- Regulate the closing of stomata
- Regulate the opening and closing of stomata
- Regulate the opening of stomata
- Regulate the process of photosynthesis

(c) Xylem
- Translocation of food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant
- Conduction of food.
- Conduction of water and food
- Conduction of water and minerals from the root to the other parts of the plant

(d) Chromosomes
- The carriers of heredity
- The controlling centre of the cell
- The site for various chemical reactions
- Intracellular digestion

(e) Hydathode
- Helps in transpiration
- Helps in guttation
- Helps in imbibition
- Helps in transpiration of water

Question 7 [Biology Specimen Paper Term-I 2022]
Q7 Given below is a diagram representing a stage during mitotic cell division. Answer the questions that follow. (a)Identify the stage

- Telophase
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase

(b) Label part marked 'X'
- Centriole
- Centrosome
- Centromere
- Chromatid

(c) Name the stage that follows the one shown here
- Interphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
- Metaphase

(d) What is the diploid number of chromosomes shown in the diagram?
- 6
- 2
- 4
- 8

(e) Mention one important feature of this stage
- Nucleolus reappears
- Nuclear membrane reappears
- Nuclear membrane disappears
- Chromosomes align on the equator

Question 8 [Biology Specimen Paper Term-I 2022]
Q8 Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions (a)Identify the cell organelle

- Mitochondria
- Lysosome
- Ribosome
- Chloroplast

(b) Label the parts marked A, B & C
- 1. Granum 2. Stroma 3. Fret 4. Thylakoid
- 1. Granum 2. Stroma 3. Fret 4. Thylakoid
- 1. Granum 2. Stroma 3. Fret 4. Thylakoid

(c) The unit of light absorbed by chlorophyll is
- Proton
- Photon
- Electron
- Neutron