

Paper Pattern for MCQ Term-I



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Solved Specimen Paper Semester-I 2021


Q.1 sin[π3]- sin-1 (-1/2)

  1. 1/2
  2. 1/3
  3. -1
  4. 1


Q.2 The value of k (k < 0) for which the function 𝑓 defined as

is continuous at x = 0 is:
  1. ±1
  2. -1
  3. ±1/2
  4. 1/2


Q.3 If A = [aij] is a square matrix of order 2 such that
, then A2 is:


Q.4 Value of π‘˜, for which A =
k 8
4 2k
is a singular matrix is:

  1. 4
  2. -4
  3. ±4
  4. 0


Q.5 Find the intervals in which the function f given by f (x) = x2 – 4x + 6 is strictly increasing:

  1. (-∞,2) U (2, ∞)
  2. (2, ∞)
  3. (-∞,2)
  4. (-∞,2]U (2, ∞)s


Q.6 Given that A is a square matrix of order 3 and | A | = - 4, then | adj A | is equal to:

  1. -4
  2. 4
  3. -16
  4. 16


Q.7 A relation R in set A = {1,2,3} is defined as R = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 3)}. Which of the following ordered pair in R shall be removed to make it an equivalence relation in A?

  1. (1, 1)
  2. (1, 2)
  3. (2, 2)
  4. (3, 3)


Q.8 If
2a+b a-2b
5c-d 4c+3d
4 -3
11 24
, then value of a + b - c + 2d is:

  1. 8
  2. 10
  3. 4
  4. -8


Q.9 The point at which the normal to the curve y = π‘₯ + 1/x, x > 0 is perpendicular to the line 3x – 4y – 7 = 0 is:

  1. (2, 5/2)
  2. (Β±2, 5/2)
  3. (- 1/2, 5/2
  4. (1/2, 5/2)


Q.10 sin (tan-1x), where |x| < 1, is equal to:

  1. x 1-x2
  2. 1 1-x2
  3. 1 1+x2
  4. x 1+x2


Q.11 Let the relation R in the set A = {x ∈ Z : 0 ≀ x ≀ 12}, given by R = {(a, b) : |a –b| is a multiple of 4}. Then [1], the equivalence class containing 1, is:

  1. {1, 5, 9}
  2. {0, 1, 2, 5}
  3. A


Q.12 If ex + ey = ex+y , then 𝑑𝑦/𝑑π‘₯ is:

  1. e y - x
  2. ex+y
  3. - e y - x
  4. 2e x - y


Q.13 Given that matrices A and B are of order 3Γ—n and mΓ—5 respectively, then the order of matrix C = 5A +3B is:

  1. 3Γ—5
  2. β‚Ή5Γ—3
  3. 3Γ—3
  4. 5Γ—5


Q.14 If y = 5 cos x – 3 sin x, then 𝑑2𝑦 ⁄ 𝑑π‘₯2is equal to:

  1. -y
  2. y
  3. 25y
  4. 9y


Q.15 For matrix A =
2 5
-11 7
, (adj A)' is equal to:

  1. 2 -5
    11 -7
  2. 7 5
    11 2
  3. 7 11
    -5 2
  4. 7 -5
    11 2


Q.16 The points on the curve π‘₯29 + y216 = 1 at which the tangents are parallel to y axis are:

  1. (0,Β±4 )
  2. (Β±4,0)
  3. (Β±3,0)
  4. (0, Β±3)


Q.17 Given that A = [π‘Žπ‘–π‘—] is a square matrix of order 3Γ—3 and |A| = βˆ’7, then the value of βˆ‘3i=1 π‘Žπ‘–2𝐴𝑖2, where 𝐴𝑖𝑗 denotes the cofactor of element π‘Žπ‘–π‘— is:

  1. 7
  2. -7
  3. 0
  4. 49


Q.18 If y = log(cos 𝑒π‘₯), then 𝑑𝑦/𝑑π‘₯is:

  1. cos𝑒π‘₯βˆ’1
  2. e-xcos e x
  3. ex sin ex
  4. -ex tan ex


Q.19 Based on the given shaded region as the feasible region in the graph, at which point(s) is the objective function Z = 3x + 9y maximum?

  1. Point B
  2. Point C
  3. Point D
  4. every point on the line segment CD


Q.20 The least value of the function 𝑓(π‘₯) = 2π‘π‘œπ‘ π‘₯ + π‘₯ in the closed interval [0,πœ‹/2] is:

  1. 2
  2. πœ‹6 + √3
  3. πœ‹/2
  4. The least value does not exist



Q.21 The function 𝑓: R⟢R defined as 𝑓(π‘₯) = π‘₯3 is:

  1. One-on but not onto
  2. Not one-one but onto
  3. Neither one-one nor onto
  4. One-one and onto


Q.22 If x = a sec πœƒ, y = b tan πœƒ, then 𝑑2𝑦𝑑π‘₯2 at πœƒ =πœ‹/6 is:

  1. βˆ’3√3π‘π‘Ž2
  2. βˆ’2√3π‘π‘Ž
  3. βˆ’3√3π‘π‘Ž
  4. -b3√3π‘Ž2


Q.23 In the given graph, the feasible region for a LPP is shaded. The objective function Z = 2x – 3y, will be minimum at:

  1. (4, 10)
  2. (6, 8)
  3. (0, 8)
  4. (6, 5)


Q.24 The derivative of sin-1 (2π‘₯√ 1 βˆ’ π‘₯2) w.r.t sin-1x, βˆ’1/√2 < π‘₯ < 1/√2, is:

  1. 2
  2. (πœ‹/2)-2
  3. πœ‹/2
  4. βˆ’2



Q.25 If A =
1 -1 0
2 3 4
0 1 2
and B =
2 2 -4
-4 2 -4
2 -1 5
, then:

  1. A-1 = B
  2. A-1 = 6B
  3. B-1 = B
  4. A-1 = 1/6 A


Q.26 The real function f(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 – 36x + 7 is:

  1. Strictly increasing in (βˆ’βˆž, βˆ’2) and strictly decreasing in ( βˆ’2, ∞)
  2. Strictly decreasing in ( βˆ’2, 3)
  3. Strictly decreasing in (βˆ’βˆž, 3) and strictly increasing in (3, ∞)
  4. Strictly decreasing in (βˆ’βˆž, βˆ’2) βˆͺ (3, ∞)


Q.27 Simplest form of tan-1
, πœ‹ < π‘₯ < 3πœ‹2 is:

  1. β‚Ή20 Per share
  2. β‚Ή18 Per share
  3. β‚Ή22 Per share
  4. β‚Ή8 Per share


Q.28 Given that A is a non-singular matrix of order 3 such that A2 = 2A, then value of |2A| is:

  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 64
  4. 16


Q.29 The value of 𝑏 for which the function 𝑓(π‘₯) = π‘₯ + π‘π‘œπ‘ π‘₯ + 𝑏 is strictly decreasing over R is:

  1. 𝑏 < 1
  2. No value of b exists
  3. 𝑏 ≀ 1
  4. 𝑏 β‰₯ 1


Q30. Let R be the relation in the set N given by R = {(a, b) : a = b – 2, b > 6}, then

  1. (2,4) ∈ R
  2. (3,8) ∈ R
  3. (6,8) ∈ R
  4. (8,7) ∈ R


Q.31 The point(s), at which the function f given by
is continuous, is/are:

  1. π‘₯ πœ– R
  2. π‘₯ = 0
  3. π‘₯ πœ– R –{0}
  4. π‘₯ = βˆ’1 and 1


Q.32 If A =
0 2
3 -4
and π‘˜A =
0 3a
2b 24
, then the values of π‘˜, π‘Ž and 𝑏 respectively are:

  1. βˆ’6, βˆ’12, βˆ’18
  2. βˆ’6, βˆ’4, βˆ’9
  3. 6, 4, 9
  4. βˆ’6, 12, 18


Q.33 A linear programming problem is as follows:
π‘€π‘–π‘›π‘–π‘šπ‘–π‘§π‘’ 𝑍 = 30π‘₯ + 50𝑦
subject to the constraints,
3π‘₯ + 5𝑦 β‰₯ 15
2π‘₯ + 3𝑦 ≀ 18
π‘₯ β‰₯ 0, 𝑦 β‰₯ 0
In the feasible region, the minimum value of Z occurs at

  1. a unique point
  2. no point
  3. infinitely many points
  4. two points only


Q.34 The area of a trapezium is defined by function 𝑓 and given by 𝑓(π‘₯) = (10 + π‘₯)√ 100 βˆ’ π‘₯2 , then the area when it is maximised is:

  1. β‚Ή75π‘π‘š2
  2. 7√3π‘π‘š2
  3. 75√3π‘π‘š2
  4. 5π‘π‘š2


Q.35 If A is square matrix such that A2 = A, then (I + A)Β³ – 7 A is equal to:

  1. A
  2. I + A
  3. I βˆ’ A
  4. I


Q.36 If tan-1 x = y, then:

  1. βˆ’1 < y < 1
  2. βˆ’πœ‹/2 ≀ y ≀ πœ‹/2
  3. βˆ’πœ‹/2 < y < πœ‹/2
  4. y πœ–{βˆ’πœ‹/2,πœ‹/2}


Q.37 Let A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {4, 5, 6, 7} and let 𝑓 = {(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)} be a function from A to B. Based on the given information, 𝑓 is best defined as:

  1. Surjective function
  2. Injective function
  3. Bijective function
  4. function


Q.38 For A =
3 1
-1 2
, then 14A-1 is given by:

  1. 14
    2 -1
    1 3
  2. 5
    4 -2
    2 6
  3. 2
    2 -1
    1 βˆ’3
  4. 2
    -3 -1
    1 βˆ’2


Q.39 The point(s) on the curve y = x3 – 11x + 5 at which the tangent is y = x – 11 is/are:

  1. (-2,19)
  2. (2, - 9)
  3. (Β±2, 19)
  4. (-2, 19) and (2, -9)


Q.40 Given that A =
𝛼 𝛽
𝛾 βˆ’π›Ό
and A2 = 3I, then:

  1. 1 + 𝛼2 + 𝛽𝛾 = 0
  2. 1 - 𝛼2 - 𝛽𝛾 = 0
  3. 3 - 𝛼2 - 𝛽𝛾 = 0
  4. 3 + 𝛼2 + 𝛽𝛾 = 0


Q.41 For an objective function 𝑍 = π‘Žπ‘₯ + 𝑏𝑦, where π‘Ž, 𝑏 > 0; the corner points of the feasible region determined by a set of constraints (linear inequalities) are (0, 20), (10, 10), (30, 30) and (0, 40). The condition on a and b such that the maximum Z occurs at both the points (30, 30) and (0, 40) is:

  1. 𝑏 βˆ’ 3π‘Ž = 0
  2. π‘Ž = 3b
  3. π‘Ž + 2𝑏 = 0
  4. 2π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝑏 = 0


Q.42 For which value of m is the line y = mx + 1 a tangent to the curve y2 = 4x?

  1. 1/2
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3


Q.43 The maximum value of [π‘₯(π‘₯ βˆ’ 1) + 1]1/3, 0 ≀ π‘₯ ≀ 1 is:

  1. 0
  2. 1/2
  3. 1


Q.44 In a linear programming problem, the constraints on the decision variables x and y are π‘₯ βˆ’ 3𝑦 β‰₯ 0, 𝑦 β‰₯ 0, 0 ≀ π‘₯ ≀ 3. The feasible region

  1. is not in the first quadrant
  2. is bounded in the first quadrant
  3. is unbounded in the first quadrant
  4. does not exist


Q.45 Let A =
1 sinΞ± 1
-sinΞ± 1 sinΞ±
1 sinΞ± 1
where 0 ≀ Ξ± ≀ 2Ο€, then:

  1. |A|=0
  2. |A| πœ– (2, ∞)
  3. |A| πœ– (2,4)
  4. |A| πœ– [2,4]


CASE STUDY The fuel cost per hour for running a train is proportional to the square of the speed it generates in km per hour. If the fuel costs β‚Ή 48 per hour at speed 16 km per hour and the fixed charges to run the train amount to β‚Ή 1200 per hour.

Assume the speed of the train as 𝑣 km/h.Based on the given information, answer the following questions.

Q.46 Given that the fuel cost per hour is π‘˜ times the square of the speed the train generates in km/h, the value of π‘˜ is:

  1. 16/3
  2. 1/3
  3. 3
  4. 3/16


Q.47 If the train has travelled a distance of 500km, then the total cost of running the train is given by function:


Q.48 The most economical speed to run the train is:

  1. 18km/h
  2. 5km/h
  3. 80km/h
  4. 40km/h


Q.49 The fuel cost for the train to travel 500km at the most economical speed is:

  1. β‚Ή 3750
  2. β‚Ή 750
  3. β‚Ή 7500
  4. β‚Ή 75000


Q.50The total cost of the train to travel 500km at the most economical speed is:

  1. β‚Ή 3750
  2. β‚Ή 75000
  3. β‚Ή 7500
  4. β‚Ή 15000


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