In subparts (i) and (ii) choose the correct options and in subparts (iii) to (v) answer the questions as instructed.
(i) When working on an Excel spreadsheet, what does cell B2 refer to?
M Row B, Column 2
N Column B, Row 2
O Row B and Column 2
P Column B and Row 2
(a) Only M
(b) Only M and O
(c) Only N and P
(d) All - M, N, O and P
(ii) Which one of the following terms is NOT related to computerised databases?
(a) Search
(b) Sort
(c) Field names
(d) Record grab
(iii) Which formula will capture the correct number of numerical values from the following range?
A2:A5 & C2:C5
(iv) Give the meaning of the MODE function in Excel with an example.
(v) When editing a cell in Excel, which key or combination of keys is pressed to toggle between relative, absolute and mixed cell references