(i) State a relevant reason for the following: (a) Hydrogen chloride gas cannot be dried over quick lime. (b) Ammonia gas is not collected over water.
(ii) ldentify the alloy in each case from the given composition: (a) aluminium, magnesium, manganese, copper (b) iron, nickel, chromium, carbon
(iii) Solve the following mumerical problem. Ethane burns in oxygen according to the chemical equation: 2C2H6+7O2 → 4CO2 + 6H2O If 80 ml of ethane is burnt in 300 ml of oxygen, find the composition of the resultant gaseous mixture when measured at room temperature.
(iv) The following questions are pertaining to the laboratory preparation of Ammonia gas from Magnesium nitride: (a) Write a balanced chemical equation for its preparation. (b) Why is this method seldom used? (c) How do you identify the gas formed?