(i) The figure shows a circle of radius 9 cm with O as the centre. The diameter AB produced meets the tangent PQ at P. If PA = 24 cm, find the length of tangent PQ,
(ii) Mr. Gupta invested Rs 33000 in buying 100 shares of a company at 10% premium. The dividend declared by the company is 12%. Find:
(a) the number of shares purchased by him.
(b) his annual dividend.
(iii) A lite insurance agent found the following data for distribution of ages of 100 policy holders:

On a graph sheet draw an ogive using the given data. Take 2 cm = 5 years along one axis and 2 cm = 10 policy holders along the other axis. Use your graph to find:
(a) The median age.
(b) Number of policy holders whose age is above 52 years.