(i) The following questions relate to the extraction of Aluminium by electrolysis. (a) Name the other aluminum containing compound added to alumina. (b) Give a balanced equation for the reaction that takes place at the cathode.
(ii) A gas cylinder of capacity 40 dm3 is filled with gas X the mass of which is 20 g. When the same cylinder is filled with hydrogen gas at the same temperature and pressure the mass of hydrogen is 2 g. Find the relative molecular mass of the gas.
(iii) Give balanced equations for each of the following: (a) Action of warm water on Aluminium nitride. (b) Oxidation of carbon with conc. Nitric acid. (c) Dehydration of ethanol by conc. Sulphuric acid at a temperature of 170o C.
(iv) With respect to Haber’s process answer the following: (a) Temperature of the reaction (b) Catalyst used (c) Balanced equation for the reaction occurring