(i) Using remainder and factor theorem, factorize completely, the given polynomial: 2𝑥 3 − 9𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 6
(ii) Each of the letter of the word “HOUSEWARMING”" is written on cards and put in a bag. If a card is drawn at random from the bag after shuffling, what is the probability that the letter on the card is∶ (a) a vowel (b) one of the letters of the word SEWING. (c) not a letter from the word WEAR.
(iii) Use graph sheet for this question. Take 2 cm = 1 unit along the axes. (a) Plot A (1, 2), B(1, 1)and C (2, 1) (b) Reflect A, B and C about y-axis and name them as Aʹ, Bʹ and Cʹ. (c) Reflect A, B, C, Aʹ, Bʹ and Cʹ about x-axis and name them as Aʺ, Bʺ, Cʺ, Aʺʹ, Bʺʹ and Cʺʹ respectively. (d) Join A, B, C, Cʺ, Bʺ, Aʺ, Aʺʹ, Bʺʹ, Cʺʹ, Cʹ, Bʹ, Aʹ and A to form a closed figure.