(i) XYZ company plans to advertise some vacancies. The Manager is asked to suggest the monthly salary for these vacancies based on the years of experience.To do so, the Manager studies the years of service and the monthly salary drawn by the existing employees in the company.
Following is the data that the Manager refers to:
(a) Find the regression equation of monthly salary on the years of service.
(b) If a person with 13 years of experience applies for a job in this company, what monthly salary will be suggested by the Manager?
(ii) The line of regression of marks in Statistics (X) and marks in Accountancy (Y) for a class of 50 students is 3y - 5x + 180 = 0. The average score in Accountancy is 44 and the variance of marks in Statistics is (9/16)th of variance of marks in Accountancy.
(a) Find the average score in Statistics. (b) Find the coefficient of correlation between marks in Statistics and marks in Accountancy