(i) (a) Refractive index of glass with respect to water is 9/8.
Find the refractive index of water with respect to glass.
(b) Name the principle used to find the value in part (a).
(c) If we change the temperature of water, then will the ratio 9/8 remain the same? Write Yes or No.
(ii) Light travels a distance of ‘10x' units in time ‘t1’ in vacuum and it travels distance of ‘x’ units in time ‘t2’ in a denser medium. Using this information answer the question that follows:
(a) ‘Light covers a distance of ‘20x’ units in time ‘t1’ in diamond. State true or false.
(b) Calculate the refractive index of the medium in terms of ‘t1’ and ‘t2'.
(iii) A monochromatic ray of light is incident on an equilateral prism placed at minimum deviation position with an angle of incidence 45° as shown in the diagram.
(a) Copy the diagram and complete the path of the ray PQ.
(b) State two factors on which the angle of deviation depends.