Class 12 CBSE Chemistry Question Paper 2023

Maximum Marks: 70

Time Allowed: Three hours

There are 35 questions in this question paper with internal choice.

SECTION A consists of 18 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each.

SECTION B consists of 7 very short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.

SECTION C consists of 5 short answer questions carrying 3 marks each.

SECTION D consists of 2 case- based questions carrying 4 marks each.

SECTION E consists of 3 long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.

All questions are compulsory.

Use of log tables and calculators is not allowed


Question 1

Which one of the following has lowest pK, value ?
(a) CH3-COOH (b) O2N- CH2-COOH (c) Cl-CH2-COOH. (d) HCOOH

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Question 2

Which of the following cell was used in Apollo space programme ?
(a) Mercury cell
(b) Daniel cell
(c) H2—O2 Fuel cell
(d) Dry cell

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Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

The magnetic moment of [NiCl4]2-?
(a) 1.82 BM
(b) 2.82 BM
(c) 4.42 BM
(d) 5.46BM
[Atomic number : Ni = 28]

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Question 6

Which of the following ions has the electronic configuration 3d6 ? (Atomic number : Mn = 25, Co = 27, Ni= 28) :
(a) Ni3+
(b) Co+
(c) Mn2+
(d) Mn3+

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Question 7

Which of the following aqueous solution will have highest boiling point ?
(a) 1.0M KCl
(b) 1.0M K2SO4
(c) 2.0M KCl
(d) 2.0M K2SO4

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Question 8

A voltaic cell is made by connecting two half cells represented by half equations below :

Which statement is correct about this voltaic cell ?
(a) Fe2+ is oxidised and the voltage of the cell is -0.91 V.
(b) Sn is oxidised and the voltage of the cell is 0.91 V.
(c) Fe2+ is oxidised and the voltage of the cell is 0.91 V.
(d) Sn is oxidised and the voltage of the cell is 0.63 V.

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Question 9

Amides can be converted into amines by the reaction named
(a) Hoffmann degradation
(b) Ammonolysis
(c) Carbylamine
(d) Diazotisation

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Question 10

Which of the following statements is not true about glucose ?
(a) It is an aldohexose.
(b) On heating with HI it forms n-hexane
(c) It is present in pyranose form
(d) it gives 2, 4 DNP test

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Question 11

Which of the following alcohols will not undergo oxidation ?
(a) Butanol
(b) Butan-2-ol
(c) 2-Methylbutan-2-ol
(d) 3-Methylbutan-2-ol

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Question 12

Question 13

Which property of transition metals enables them to behave as catalysts ?
(a) High melting point
(b) High ionisation enthalpy
(c) Alloy formation
(d) Variable oxidation states

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Question 14

Which of the following would not be a good choice for reducing nitrobenzene to aniline ?
(a) LiAlH4
(b) H2/Ni
(c) Fe and HCl
(d) Sn and HCl

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Question 15

Given below are two Statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Assertion (A) : Vitamin C cannot be stored in our body.
Reason (R) : Vitamin C is fat soluble and is excreted from the body in urine,

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Question 16

Assertion (A) : The half life of & reaction is the time in which the concentration of the reactant is reduced to one half of its initial concentration.
Reason (R) : In first order kinetics when concentration of reactant is doubled, its half life is doubled.

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Question 17

Assertion (A) : Bromination of benzoic acid gives m-bromobenzoic acid.
Reason (R) : Carboxyl group increases the electron density at the meta position.

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Question 18

Assertion (A) : EDTA is a hexadentate ligand.
Reason (R) : EDTA has 2 nitrogen and 4 oxygen donor atoms.

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Question 19

(a) Which of the following species cannot act as a ligand ? Give reason.

(b) The complex is red in colour. Give IUPAC name of its linkage isomer.

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Question 20

For the pair phenol and cyclohexanol, answer the following :
(a) Why is phenol more acidic than cyclohexanol ?
(b) Give one chemical test to distinguish between the two.

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Question 21

(a) (i) Draw the zwitter ion structure for sulphanilic acid.
(ii) How can the activating effect of -NH2 group in aniline be controlled ?

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Question 22

Write equations for the following :
(a) Oxidation of chloroform by air and light
(b) Reaction of chlorobenzene with CH3Cl / anhyd. AlCl3

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Question 23

What happens to the rate constant k and activation energy Ea as the temperature of a chemical reaction is increased ? Justify.

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Question 24

(a) (i) What should be the signs (positive/negative) for E°cell and △G° for a spontaneous redox reaction occurring under standard conditions ?
(ii) State Faraday’s first law of electrolysis.

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Question 25

Give the reaction of glucose with acetic anhydride. Presence of which group is confirmed by this reaction ?

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Question 26

(a) (i) Why is the C-O bond length in phenols less than that in methanol ?
(ii) Arrange the following in order of increasing boiling point : Ethoxyethane, Butanal, Butanol, n-butane
(iii) How can phenol be prepared from anisole ? Give reaction.

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Question 27

(a) On the basis of crystal field theory write the electronic configuration for d® ion with a weak ligand for which △o < P.
(b) Explain [Fe(CN)6]3- is an inner orbital complex whereas [FeF6]3- is an outer orbital complex. [Atomic number : Fe = 26]

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Question 28

Give reasons for any 8 of the following observations :
(a) Penta-acetate of glucose does not react with hydroxylamine.
(b) Amino acids behave like salts.
(c) Water soluble vitamins must be taken regularly in diet.
(d) The two strands in DNA are complimentary to each other.

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Question 29

Question 30

(a) Illustrate Sandmeyer’s reaction with an equation.
(b) Explain, why (CH3)2NH is more basic than (CH3)3N in aqueous solution.

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Question 31

The following questions are case-based questions. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
Rahul set-up an experiment to find resistance of aqueous KCl solution for different concentrations at 298 K using a conductivity cell connected to a Wheatstone bridge. He fed the Wheatstone bridge with a.c. power in the audio frequency range 550 to 5000 cycles per second. Once the resistance was calculated from null point he also calculated the conductivity K and molar conductivity ^m and recorded his readings in tabular form.

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Question 32

Nucleophilic Substitution reaction of haloalkane can be conducted according to both SN1 and SN2 mechanisms. SN1 is a two step reaction while SN2 is a single step reaction. For any haloalkane which mechanism is followed depends on factors such as structure of haloalkane, properties of leaving group, nucleophilic reagent and solvent.

Influences of solvent polarity : In SN1 reaction, the polarity of the system increases from the reactant to the transition state, because a polar solvent has a greater effect on the transition state than the reactant, thereby reducing activation energy and accelerating the reaction. In SN2 reaction, - the polarity of the system generally does not change from the reactant to the transition state and only charge dispersion occurs. At this time, polar solvent has a great stabilizing effect on Nu than the transition state, thereby increasing activation energy and slow down the reaction rate. For example, the decomposition rate (SN1) of tertiary chlorobutane at 25 °C in water (dielectric constant 79) is 300000 times faster than in ethanol (dielectric constant 24). The reaction rate (SN2) of 2-Bromopropane and NaOH in ethanol containing 40% water is twice slower than in absolute ethanol. Hence the level of solvent polarity has influence on both N,1 and SN2 reaction, but with different results. Generally speaking weak polar solvent is favourable for SN2 reaction, while strong polar solvent is favourable for SN1. Generally speaking the substitution reaction of tertiary haloalkane is based on SN1 mechanism in solvents with a strong polarity (for example ethanol containing water).

Answer the following questions :
(a) Why racemisation occurs in SN1?
(b) Why is ethanol less polar than water ?
(c) Which one of the following in each pair is more reactive towards SN2 reaction ?

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Question 33

(a) (i)Write the reaction involved in Cannizaro’s reaction.
(ii) Why are the boiling point of aldehydes and ketones lower than that of corresponding carboxylic acids ?
(iii) An organic compound 'A' with molecular formula C5H8O2 is reduced to n-pentane with hydrazine followed by heating with NaOH and Glycol. ‘a’ forms a dioxime with hydroxylamine and gives a positive Iodoform and Tollen’s test. Identify ‘A’ and give its reaction for Iodoform and Tollen’s test.

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Question 34

Question 35

(a) A transition element X has electronic configuration [Ar] 4s2 3d3. Predict its likely oxidation states.
(b) Complete the reaction mentioning all the products formed :

(c) Account for the following :
(i) In the 3d transition series, zinc has the lowest enthalpy of atomisation.
(ii) Cu+ ion 1s unstable in aqueous solution.
(iii) Actinoids show more number of oxidation states than lanthanoids.

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