Class 10 Chemistry ICSE Chemical Bonding Predicted Questions

Here we provide Class 10 chemistry important notes,board questions and predicted questions with Answers for chapter Chemical Bonding. These important notes,board questions and predicted questions are based on ICSE board curriculum and correspond to the most recent Class 10 chemistry syllabus. By practising these Class 10 materials, students will be able to quickly review all of the ideas covered in the chapter and prepare for the Class 10 Board examinations.

class 10 ICSE Chemical Bonding Mostlikely-QuestionBank

Chemical Bonding Mostlikely-QuestionBank
Q1 An atom X has 2,8,7 electrons in its shell. It combines with Y having 1 electron in its outermost shell.
(a) What type of bond will be formed between X and Y ?
(b) Write the formula of the compound formed.

Q2 Explain with the help of ionic equation and electron dot structural diagram the formation of the following electrovalent compounds.
(i) NaCl
(ii) MgCl2
(iii) CaO

Q3 Draw electron dot diagram and structure of :
(a) nitrogen molecule
(b) magnesium chloride
(c) methane

Q4 State the type of bonding in the following molecules.
(a) water,
(b) calcium oxide
(c) hydroxyl ion,
(d) methane,
(e) ammonium ion,
(f) ammonium chloride

Q5 (a) In covalent compounds, the bond is formed due to............[sharing/transfer] of electrons.
(ii) Electrovalent compounds have a ............. [low/high] boiling point.
(iii) A molecule of ............ contains a triple bond. [hydrogen, ammonia, nitrogen].
(b) By drawing an electron dot diagram, show the lone pair effect leading to the formation of — ammonium ion from ammonia gas and hydrogen ion.
(c) Give reasons — Hydrogen chloride can be termed as a polar covalent compound.

Q6 (a) Compound ‘X’ consists of only molecules. ‘X’ will have —
A. Crystalline hard structure
B. A low mp. and low b.p
C. An ionic bond
D. A strong force of attraction between its molecules
(b) The molecule which contains a triple covalent bond C is:
A. ammonia
B. methane
C. water
D. nitrogen
(c) Give one word or phrase for the following :
Formation of ions from molecules. (2018)
(d) Give a reason why covalent compounds exist as gases, liquids or soft solids.


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